Negative Impact Dry Weather has on Your Health, and How to Avert its Effects
A brief look at what causes dry weather, the effect it has on your health, and how to overcome its consequences by following simple steps.
Have you recently heard someone facing issues such as nosebleed, static shocks, or sore throat? Or have you been in this place yourself? Wondering why so many people encounter the same problem in Pakistan during these months; the answer to your query is dry weather. Since the past week, the weather locally; has dried up, resulting in dry winds and dry season in general. The drier the weather becomes, the lower humidity levels drop. When the humidity level gets low, several health complications occur, which you or people around you might be facing these days. In order to tackle these problems, we first need to understand what dry weather and low humidity actually are.
The pressure imposed on the air makes it rise above the Earth’s surface that causes the emergence of dry weather. The lower air gets burdened by the upper air, which induces it to drop below the levels. The air then circles around after getting near the Earth that further pushes away the cold air. In simpler terms, dry air takes over when the relative humidity levels drop under 40%. Relative humidity levels indicate the amount of water vapor present in the atmosphere. Depending on higher or lower humidity levels, people have to cope with different health issues.
The Harmful Impact of Dry Weather and Dry Air on Health
Dry air is never beneficial for people’s health. It causes damaging reaction resulting in the emergence of numerous health concerns such as:
1- Dry Skin
The low humidity levels trigger your skin to dry rapidly, giving it a scale-like texture that causes itching and rashes.
2- Chapped Lips
The lips dry up, leading to scars, cracks, peeling off, and in some cases bleeding.
3- Static Shock
When the weather dries up, the unevenness of positive and negative current produces static electricity: that develops on different objects such as woolen items, electricity boards, and even on the sole of your shoe.
4- Nose Bleed
The dry air parches the nasal passage that causes the nose to bleed.
5- Respiratory Issues
Again, because of the dry air, people face different breathing problems such as bronchitis and asthma due to poor functioning of the respiratory system.
6- Dry Eyes
The eyes become drier and small patches of dryness are visible around them.
7- Sore Throat
When you breathe in the dry air, it makes your throat super dry that initiates cough, and makes it hard for you to swallow anything.
8- Dehydration
Dry seasons come with one of the chief problems, which is dehydration. Due to low humidity: the body quickly absorbs all the water, which leaves you feeling thirsty even after drinking enough water.
How to take Care of your Health in the Dry Weather
Just like there are quite a few problems with dry weather, to handle these issues, there are various options that you can opt for:
1- Buy a Humidifier
Get yourself a humidifier at home that will stabilize the humidity levels of the place where you reside. Be careful not to increase the humidity levels too high.
2- Drink Plenty of Water
To protect yourself from dehydration, drink as much water as possible. It not only keeps you healthy but also makes your skin less dry.
3- Eat Healthy Food
Keep your food intake in check and try to have food and fruits that contain fiber so that your body stays hydrated.
4- Moisturize your Skin
Applying an adequate amount of moisturizer helps your skin heal and protects it from additional drying up.
5- Take Short but Cold Water Showers
Avoid hot showers in dry weather. Go for colder water that does not dry your skin further.
6- Apply Vaseline on your Lips and Inside your Nose
Gently massaging your lips with a balm will keep them from drying up. Similarly, put some Vaseline inside your nose to slower the process of dryness.
7- Put an Icepack on the Nose
In case your nose starts bleeding, immediately put an ice pack on it to stop the bleeding and lean forward so that the blood does not go through your throat.
8- Place Bowls of Water Around
The water placed around your home at different locations will enhance the air quality.
There is always a way to handle a situation in the right way. Fight the dry weather and protect yourself, the people you love, and your home from the low humidity and dry air. By taking care of these few elements: you will be able to get through the dry season soon.