Rocking my Mom’s 90’s Desi Wedding Closet in 2021

Ever wonder how you can save money and time while looking for clothes to wear at weddings or other causal events? Your mom’s wardrobe might have an answer to that!

Mariam Nadeem
6 min readApr 2, 2021
Photo by British Library on Unsplash

The wedding season is right around the corner, and we all have been looking for dresses to wear that are both stylish and never seen before. As I walk through my closet, I see several outfits lined up, trying to get my attention waiting for me to wear them one last time, but seeing how important these events are, I don’t want to repeat the dress I have worn before. I look for something new, something that is; in fashion but also not very fancy, something that goes well with my personality and defines who I am with minimal effort. You have been there too, right? Having to attend an important event, going through your wardrobe full of clothes but not finding that ONE dress that says YES, I AM WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO FIND! Well, I found the solution to my problem and maybe you can too. After thinking for a good one minute how to style myself with never-seen-on-me-before stuff but not spending a lot of money on clothes that can cost me a kidney, I get my answer. I was not surprised when my mom came to my rescue, because who am I kidding: she has been saving me from every disaster since FOREVER! She offers me to have a look at her closet and see if something that fits me.

That is how I discover the masterpieces laying down low under piles of clothes untouched for years because they don’t fit my mom anymore. As I pick one cloth after another, I feel like I have Genie’s magic lamp in my hand because I keep getting the exact same things I had in my mind! IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? Yes, when it comes to moms, everything is possible. My mom has a great sense of fashion: she picks out the best dresses for me, gives me exceptional fashion advice, and wears even the most ordinary thing like a queen because she knows how to carry it out. On the other hand, I’m the opposite.

Through the enormous piles of clothes, I find some impressive desi wedding outfits from the 90s, some she bought for her early wedding days and some she got later for the weddings of her siblings, cousins, and friends. The best part is, 90s fashion is back in the game, and everyone is wearing it like it’s the best new thing in town.

Here are Five Changes I make to my Mom’s Desi Wedding Wardrobe in 2021:

1- Adjusting the Size of the Sari

Photo by Reza on Unsplash

My mom has these beautiful saris of all kinds, some bright in color, some dull, and some light. Some made on organza, some on chiffon, and some silk. My mom used to be super slim at my age, but since I weigh more than her, the saris are flawless, but I fail to fit in the blouse, so my mom saves the day AGAIN! She buys some extra plain cloth of the same color and gets the tailor to stitch it together somehow; it does not look odd but gives it a more elegant look.

Saris are super IN these days and are widely available around. But if you’re getting something: that is in fashion, through your mother’s closet, WITHOUT PAYING A RUPEE, then consider yourself to be super lucky, because I do at least. That is how I plan on rocking some of my mom’s saris at the wedding festivals I attend.

2- Color Dyeing White Shirts

Photo by Stephen on Unsplash

My mom has these beautiful white dresses of chicken and other kinds of clothes. To go with the flow, I dye two of her white shirts to the colors I want and then mix and match them with the fancy trousers and dupattas I already own. The shirts fit me well because, unlike the sari blouse, my mom used to wear baggy shirts (thanking whoever brought that fashion back in the 90s).

Even without dying the shirts, they can go well with colored trousers and dupattas; it solely depends on the look you have in mind. The whole idea is to see how these few changes can give you a new feel with a vintage touch.

3- Turning Dupattas into Shirts

Photo by Konstantin Tsymbalistyy on Unsplash

Three-piece dresses are not the only items available in my mom’s closet. She has these super heavy and fancy dupattas glancing through her other clothes. The dupattas go well with a plain shirt and trousers, but I have other plans for it. I get these dupattas converted into shirts of my size. I provided the tailor with the idea of what I want, some laces, and I was good to go. I get two dupattas converted into shirts, and I get one turned into a gown. As they are in fashion these days, a gown worn with a plain kameez and trouser gives an overall royal look to your personality, just how I visualized. This way I happen to save: a) money by not getting a whole new attire, and b) time by not stressing over what to get.

4- Converting Shalwars into Trousers

Photo by Zoë on Unsplash

Back in the 90s, shalwars were in fashion. People still wear shalwars around me, but I’m more comfortable with trousers. So what I do with the dresses I like of hers that have shalwar with them is to get them converted into trousers. My mom used to wear these big shalwars, so with a few cuttings, the tailor succeeds in making a trouser out of them. Now, these skinny trousers go well with my mom’s long makaesh and chunri shirts. In case you are wondering, I did all this with my mum’s permission since she does not wear these clothes anymore and they have been begging to retire from her wardrobe for years.

5- Taking over the Vintage Bags and Jewelry Pieces

Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

Clothes are not the only things I find lying alone in her wardrobe; I come across some super cool, vintage but funky bags and jewelry pieces. I was surprised to see how these bags and jewelry are still being worn around by my friends as if fashion never changed in these decades. The jewelry gives a very traditional and vintage look; these pieces are not too fancy but sophisticated. They have the power to make you stand out among a crowd. The same goes for the bags; my mom has a gigantic collection of bags as she still likes to collect them. Some of these are still unused and go perfectly well with my overall look.

That is how my mom’s closet helps me save time and money by giving me cool things in return; beautiful clothes, bags, and jewelry. All these items are close to my heart since my mother wore them at some point in her life. It makes me feel more connected to her. With each piece I took, she had a story to tell, a story about love, passion, and sacrifice. Each piece has a memory attached to it, just like they will have my memories attached to them now. And to be honest, I’m pretty sure my mom wore them better!



Mariam Nadeem
Mariam Nadeem

Written by Mariam Nadeem

Literature major, trying to make a living out of my favourite skill that is writing.

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