Why are Kids Grateful for your Love and Time More than Just Money?
Things you need to do, other than providing money, as a parent to make your kid feel at home and the positive impact they hold on their development.
Parents, these days, believe that they have played their part by providing their kids with money alone. They consider money a vital part of making or breaking a life, and in order to lead a successful life, they think their children merely require money. They spend hours and hours working, breaking their backs to present their kids a healthier and brighter future. But is money really enough? Is money the most significant requirement that makes you a good parent? The answer is NO. Parents need to do and give a lot more than just money to their children for a well-made life.
When it comes to parenting lessons, individuals tend to set aside the worth of time, love, affection, and small gestures that make a huge difference in their kid’s life. Imagine you come home from a very tiring day: your kid looks at you, with their eyes filled with adoration and longing for their parent, they waited for you so that they can tell you about their new favorite cartoons or the game they enjoyed today, or so that you can play with them, at this moment, do you thinking handing them over some cash will do them good? ABSOLUTELY NOT! They do not want money from you, but what they look forward to is devotion and a moment from your hectic routine you can spend with them.
“A child is going to remember who was there, not what was spent on them. Kids outgrow a toy and outfits but they never outgrow time and love.” — Proud Happy Mama
Parents usually argue how, without money, their kids can never lead a good life; they will have to struggle at different points, and to save them from future troubles, they work day and night to provide for them. What parents forget is; money cannot buy friendship and commitment. Between a child and a parent, that holds more meaning, and money can certainly not bring back the time they lose. Children look forward to seeing their parents; the money they make or spend holds no regard near them.
What More Can you Give to your Kids other than Money?
1- Spend Time with your Kids
Give your children some time. Spending quality time with your kids is very important. When you get home from work, spend time playing with them. Ask them how their day went and tell them a bit of yours. Listen to them. Make your time productive by helping them learn something. Assist them with their homework. Tell them stories about your life. This way, parents will form an unbreakable bond with their children that encourages them to grow into better human beings.
2- Shower your Kids with Love and Affection
Sprinkle some love and affection in your kid’s life. Express how important they are to you. Tell them you are proud of them. Show them you love them. Tell them you are grateful to have them in your life. These mere words that barely hold importance in an adult’s life can be an enormous occurrence in your kid’s life. Children, when they feel they are loved, open up to their parents. This love and affection you offer to them will hold more cost in their lives than the money you spend on them.
3- Give your Kids Opportunities to Learn
Take your kids out on the weekends or sometimes on weekdays. Take them out to explore the world, give them a new perspective of life. Take them to zoos, to museums, to concerts, and to playgrounds. Learn with them. Explore the opportunities together; this will not only have your kids open to novel additional chances in life but give YOU an entirely different take on life as well. As your children learn from you, you will get to learn something from them in return. Do not take the kids lightly; they hold more emotions, knowledge, and understanding of life than we can ever imagine.
4- Hug your Kids
A hug does not sound like a big deal, right? Well, for children, hugging is the purest form of connectivity and expression of love. A hug means that you are there for them and that you will hold them together. Hugs are not only beneficial for the children, but they carry immense importance for grown-ups as well. Hugging your child can give you a sense of affinity and belonging. It can help you forget all your worries and make you feel like getting awarded for working hard.
The Positive Impact Giving “More than Just Money” has on your Kids:
1- Kids Become More Comfortable
When you spend quality time with your kids, you are there for them in their good and bad times they start becoming more comfortable around you. They open up to you about the challenges they encounter and things that trouble them; this gives parents a better understanding of how their children feel and what they want. The relation of trust; between a parent and a child is vital and should not be taken for granted. Trust your child and let them trust you so that they can be vocal about their problems without fearing the outcome.
2- Kids Become More Confident
If you tell your child that you love them and; you are proud of them, it will automatically make them more confident. A parent’s kind words can increase the self-esteem and self-worth of a child; enhancing the capacity for growth and love. The kids start loving themselves after they see love in their parent’s eyes for them. They work harder to impress their parent that has a positive impact on their lives. Children follow their parent’s behavior, most of the time, as they are always silently learning from them. When brought up with love and kindness, they will try to lead their life the same way.
3- Kids Become More Expressive
If brought up the right way, kids can become very expressive. They do not limit themselves but try to explore several paths lying out there for them. They do not restrict their opportunities they; test their selves by taking up more challenges, finally moving towards the right direction. The early years of a child determine the kind of person they grow up to be. If raised with love and responsibility, kids can grow into good human beings.
4- Kids Value Life More than Money
The child follows the footsteps of his/her parent. If they see their parents valuing money over everything else, as well as their health, they will probably do the same. Leading a life like a robot may give you pleasure for a short time, but it leaves you with regrets in the longer run. When you grow old and look back at the time, you will regret not spending enough time with your children and not showering them with love when you could have. Your children being in the same position as you would likely spend time working making life and money instead of spending time with their parents. The distance between a parent and a child by that time can not be shortened with the help of money but could totally have been avoided by giving time and love when they needed it the most.
It’s never too late. Before you are left with regrets and; the distance between your kid and you grow to the extent it can hardly be covered, GO, spend some time with your children, show them you love them. Talk to them, play with them, and explore life with them together like a happy family.